Monday, July 30, 2012

Dear Sexual Futurist - Sexual

Dear Sexual Futurist,

July 28, 2012

The latest in fresh thinking at SF is our take on the traditional advice column.? Instead of telling you or anyone else to think we thought it might be grand if our worldwide community could share their own thoughts and experience with someone who is looking for ideas.? Here?s a real person?s story, received via FB.? You?re welcome to respond regardless of your age, gender, sexual orientation, religion and so forth because we are all in this together.

  • Hello, I found your page/website looking for resources to help my situation out.? I?m a Midwestern American in a relationship with a Nigerian woman who recently relocated to the US.? I am dealing with her culture shock because she has grown up with over 20 years in a place where being openly gay/lesbian doesn?t exist.? She is in university with other Nigerians she knows and worries how they will view her, as well as the other citizens in the bible belt where we live.? I want to show I support her every way possible, is there any advice your organization can give me?
  • Hi.? We want to help you and we?re considering asking the SF Community what they have done in the past with this situation or what they would like someone to do for them that would show support.? Gay men and women from all over the world would be reading this and hopefully some would write something helpful?and it may help them to help you. What do you say?

How wonderful it must be for her to finally be in a place in the world where it is somewhat OK to simply be who one is.? I can tell you that I found it a very powerful experience to meet gay people who lived their lives knowing that if I had a problem with gay sexuality then I had a problem, not them.? Their behavior helped me detach and become more self-aware.? PS, ENJOY the relationship!

OK, SF Community?your turn.? BTW, our subscribe button (above, at top) is working now?yaaahooo!? Come, reason with us.

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Tags: advice columns, gay relationships, gay rights, homophobia, human sexual rights, human sexuality, interracial relationships, lesbian relationships, Nigeria, relationship advice, sex, sex and Christianity, sex and fundamentalism, sex and relationships, sex and religion, sexual advice, sexual equality, sexual rights, talking about sex, women's rights


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